Playing Age: 50 to 65
Height: 5ft 11"
Voice Actor at Soho Voices
TV Voice over credits include: Britain's Extreme weather 2024, Channel 4.
Inferno, LA on Fire, 2025 Channel 4.,Formula e, Aurora Media Worldwide.
Escort Boys, Amazon Prime. NSPCC, Childline Christmas Appeal 2024, BBC 1.
Radio/Online Promotions include: Till The Movie, Universal Film's.
Gangs of London, Season 2, Feref Ltd.
Quantum Computing (Animation) Oxford University.
AI Powered Appliances' Samsung.
Spoken Word/ Poetry Performances include: Romeo and Juliet, Intermission Theatre.
F.A.C.T (Families Against Crime Together) Stratford Theatre Royal.
Premier on demand (Easter Season) Premier Radio/TV.
Poetic Voices Against Domestic Violence (Book Launch) Peckham Theatre.