Damien Hasson

Playing age: 30 - 40

Height: 5ft 9”

Accent: North of Ireland

Training: Oxford School of Drama

Film & TV: Women on the Verge (RTÉ/W); Pablo (BBC); A Belfast Story
(Netflix/Jolt Me Features); The Widow’s Last (Reel Issues Films); Hollyoaks
(Channel 4) and Agnes (UTV).

Theatre roles include touring internationally on ‘A Clockwork Orange’ (Action To
The Word); ‘La Dispute’ (Abbey Theatre, Dublin); ‘Philadelphia, Here I Come!’
(Lyric Theatre, Belfast); ‘The Crack in Everything’ (Derry Playhouse/Brian Friel
Theatre, Belfast); ‘Anatomy of a Seagull’ (Loose Canon, Dublin); ‘The Unquiet
Grave of Garcia Lorca’ (Drayton Arms); ‘Plasticine’ & ‘The Bacchae’
(Southwark Playhouse) and The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui (Bruiser/Irish Tour).
Voice Over Credits: Alexa; University of Ulster; Just-Eat and Motion-Capture work
playing various characters on Project Drachenfels (PitStop Productions).

Damien is also a writer. His play Venus Quarry was produced in London by Pluck
Theatre Company. Last year he received NI Screen’s New Writer Focus Award. He
has a number of projects at various stages of development.